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QleanAir wins order of SEK 4.3 million for cleanroom in Sweden

By devhouse

QleanAir Holding AB (publ), the premium supplier of solutions for clean indoor air, receives order for cleanroom from a company associated with Nya Karolinska in Huddinge, Stockholm. The order value amounts to SEK 4.3 million, and the installation will begin in the second quarter to be completed during the third quarter 2021. It is a … Continued

QleanAir wins the largest cleanroom order to date in USA

By devhouse

QleanAir Holding AB (publ), the premium provider of solutions for clean indoor air, announces an order for a new cleanroom with a prominent US-based university healthcare system. The order is the company’s largest to date within the product category Room Solutions with a total value of USD 989 000. In addition, a service agreement for … Continued