Yostar investeert in HEPA-luchtreinigers van QleanAir om personeel te beschermen

Yostar Limited with 170 employees, develops anime games and videos in central Tokyo, Japan. They are committed to creating a good working environment and recognize the importance of the quality of the indoor air for the health and comfort of their employees. Freestanding air cleaners is seen as a natural part of their infrastructure to promote employee wellbeing. During the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the air quality also became a matter of employee safety, and they decided to introduce high performing HEPA air cleaners from QleanAir to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases in their offices. Yostar also believes that this is part of their efforts to contribute to society.
Yostar was surprised at the performance of our SF 6000 Cabin Solution, filtering cigarette smoke with no leakage or smell. That convinced them to invest in our freestanding air cleaning solution AirQlean Low 115 HEPA as the very first customer when the product category Facility Solutions was introduced in Japan. Even though the effectiveness of freestanding air cleaners is not understood as immediately as for smoking cabins, the new air cleaners have been well received by Yostar. They appreciate the design, that it is quiet and the hassle-free usage since all maintenance is performed by Qleanair.