QleanAir donates 100 000 SEK to UNICEF for Ukraine crisis
Like the rest of the world, we at QleanAir are appalled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting humanitarian catastrophe. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, fighting for their country and fleeing for the lives.
To show our support for the Ukrainian people, we donate 100 000 SEK to UNICEF and their humanitarian work with refugees. During the month of March all Swedish contributions will be doubled by Akelius foundation.
To show our support for the Ukrainian people, we donate 100 000 SEK to UNICEF and their humanitarian work with refugees. During the month of March all Swedish contributions will be doubled by Akelius foundation.
The crisis in Ukraine is deteriorating rapidly and is the fastest growing in Europe since World War II. According to UNHCR, over 2.3 million have been forced to flee the country. Countless people are on the run in Ukraine and hiding in bomb shelters without access to food, water, and heating in double digit freezing degrees. The UNHCR estimates that 12 million people in Ukraine and 4 million fleeing Ukraine will need protection and emergency assistance in the coming months.
Like the rest of the world, we are shocked by the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with all the Ukrainian people fighting and fleeing for their lives. As a token of our support, we have chosen to support UNCHR with 100 000 SEK. During the month of March, the Akelius foundation is doubling all donations.
The UN Refugee agency UNHCR is working on site in Ukraine since 2015 with emergency aid. In the last week, they have distributed tons of water, food and blankets and clothes across the country.