Solutions / Application areas
Shopping malls
Shopping malls struggle with several different challenges when it comes to air quality. They are often crowded, resulting in a faster spread of viruses and bacteria, which became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outdoor pollution often spreads into shopping malls through entrances and loading docks, affecting indoor air quality of the facility. There’s also the issue of visitors smoking outside of the entrances due to lack of smoking areas inside the mall. This leads to tobacco smoke spreading into the facility and cigarette ends littering the entrances and the surrounding sidewalks. No smoking areas indoors can also lead to loss in revenue, lower productivity and security issues. Thankfully, there are great solutions to all of these challenges.

These challenges can be easily solved with the right solution for your specific facility. For the smoking-related challenges, there are several options to choose from. For indoor smoking, we would recommend using one of our indoor smoking cabins, for example, the SF 6000 X, SF Forum and for an outdoor smoking solution we would recommend our Outdoor Lounge. Both the SF 6000 X and the Outdoor Lounge capture the smoke before it is able to spread, protecting non-smokers from secondhand smoke. All of our smoking cabins are equipped with our patented fireproof ash handling system, reducing the littering of cigarette ends.
For challenges regarding viruses and bacteria, we would recommend one of our air cleaners with HEPA 14-filters since they are specifically designed to reduce the levels of viruses and bacteria in the air.
The QleanAir Difference
We deliver our solutions hassle-free as a service. We customize the solution to your needs by conducting measurements and testing. We take care of installation, service, upgrades, ensure compliance to regulations, and future-proof the solution. We deliver the freedom of clean air – so you can focus on what really matters.