
About QleanAir
QleanAir is the premium provider of solutions for clean indoor air in professional environments. The company’s business model is based on rental contracts for modular solutions with a full-service offer. QleanAir solutions are developed using a filter technology that captures, filters and recycles indoor air. The company’s main markets are EMEA, APAC and the Americas. QleanAir’s head office is located in Solna, Sweden.
The share is traded on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market, ticker: QAIR, ISIN SE0013382066.
Press releases
Financial reports & presentations
Financial calendar
February 7, 2025 | Fourth quarter and Year-end report 2024 |
April 16, 2025 | Annual report 2024 |
May 9, 2025 | First quarter 2025 |
May 9, 2025 | Annual general meeting 2025 |
August 8, 2025 | Second quarter 2025 |
November 7, 2025 | Third quarter 2025 |
February 6, 2026 | Fourth quarter and Year-end report 2025 |
Financial targets & strategy
QleanAir’s objective is to achieve an average annual rate of organic growth of approximately 10 percent in the medium to long-term.
QleanAir’s objective is to achieve an EBIT-margin of 15-20 percent in the medium to long- term.
Dividend policy
QleanAir’s objective is that between 30-50 percent of the net profit for the year shall be distributed as dividends to shareholders. The dividend proposal shall take into account QleanAir’s long-term development potential, financial position and investment needs.
QleanAir has a clear strategy for realizing continued capital efficiency and profitable growth for the Company. QleanAir’s strategic growth plan is focused on the following initiatives.
- Expand the sales organization
- New products and solutions
- Strategic resource planning
- Geographic expansion into new markets
- Expansion into new customer segments
- Launch new concepts and services
Business concept
QleanAir shall offer modular solutions for indoor air cleaning in order to protect people, products and processes.
QleanAir’s vision is to become a leading, global provider of premium, modular indoor air cleaning solutions.
QleanAir operates to create healthy indoor environments that contribute to improved productivity of people, products and processes.
Making a real difference through clean air.
QleanAir has been developing solutions that protect people against indoor air pollution for 30 years. Environmental issues, social and corporate governance, health, and safety have been key priorities for QleanAir since the start. Our air cleaning solutions create a healthy and safe indoor environment for your people, ensure the quality and shelf life of your products, and guarantee the performance of your operations by for example prolonging the lifetime of your equipment. The QleanAir operating company is ISO-certified to environment standard ISO 14001 and quality standard ISO 9001. Our business model is based on renting modular solutions with a performance guarantee. The units and their parts are refurbished, reused, and recycled. A high proportion of operations is outsourced to suppliers who comply with the QleanAir code of conduct. This code of conduct is linked to our sustainability, quality assurance and environment, marketing and health and safety policies. Production and assembly take part on each continent to reduce delivery times and CO2 emissions. Since 2015 the group has quantified the amount of purified air per month on an ongoing basis.
Cleaned air in billion cubic meters per month

Corporate governance
Corporate governance report
The company applies the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the Code) and complies with applicable corporate governance laws, primarily the Swedish Companies Act and the Annual Reports Act. This corporate governance report is prepared in accordance with the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the Code) and has been scrutinized by the company’s auditors. The company’s share has been admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market since 12 December 2019. The Code has been applied since 12 December 2019. For more infomation, see the annual report.
AGM 2025
The company’s Annual General Meeting will be held on May 9th, 2025, in Solna.
Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025
- Staffan Persson, appointed by Swedia Capital
- Fredrik Palmstierna, appointed by Fredrik Palmstierna
- Dan Pitulia, appointed by Calandrella
Shareholders are welcome to send proposals to the nomination committee prior to the Annual General Meeting to
SWEDISH: QleanAir årsstämma den 8 maj 2024
- QleanAir AGM 2024 - Protokoll Årsstämma
- Kommuniké från årsstämma 2024
- QleanAir AB - Kallelse till årsstämma 2024
- Motiverat yttrande valberedning Qleanair stämma 2024
- Information om Sara Uhlén
- Fullmaktsformulär - QleanAir årsstämma 2024
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion - QleanAir årsstämma 2024
- Punkt 16 - Bilaga A till fullständigt förslag (incitamentsprogram)
- Punkt 16 - Bilaga B till fullständigt förslag (incitamentsprogram)
- Punkt 16 - Item 16 - Fullständigt beslutsförslag (incitamentsprogram)_Complete proposal (incentive programme).pdf
- Styrelsens förslag till beslut om vinstutdelning
- QleanAirs Årsredovisning 2023
SWEDISH: QleanAir extra bolagsstämma den 14 november 2023
- Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i QleanAir AB (PDF, 100 kb, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion (PDF, 68 kb, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär QleanAir AB extra bolagsstämma 14 november 2023 (PDF, 40 kb, Swedish version)
- Protokoll QleanAir Holding AB extra bolagsstämma 14 november 2023 (PDF, 849 kb)
SWEDISH: QleanAir årsstämma den 10 maj 2023
- Protokoll QleanAir Holding AB årsstämma 2023 (PDF, 3 mb, Swedish version)
- QleanAir Årsredovisning 2022 (PDF, 19 mb, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till årsstämma 2023 (PDF, 159 k, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär – QleanAir årsstämma 2023 (PDF, 45 k, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion – QleanAir årsstämma 2023 (PDF, 82 k, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Bilaga A till fullständigt förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 172 k, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Bilaga B till fullständigt förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 172 k, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Fullständigt beslutsförslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 217 k, Swedish version)
- Valberedningens motiverade yttrande inför årsstämman (2023) (PDF, 119 k, Swedish version)
SWEDISH: QleanAir extra bolagsstämma den 9 mars 2023
- Protokoll fort vid extra bolagsstamma i QleanAir AB (PDF, 1.3 MB, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i QleanAir AB (PDF, 214 KB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär – Extra bolagsstämma 9 mars 2023 (PDF, 38 KB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion – Extra bolagsstämma 9 mars 2023 (PDF, 60 KB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 6 – Bilaga A till fullständigt förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 184 KB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 6 – Fullständigt beslutsförslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 185 KB, Swedish version)
- Revisorsyttrande enligt 14 kap 8 § ABL (PDF, 707 KB, Swedish version)
- Styrelsens redogörelse enligt 14 kap 8 § ABL (PDF, 910 KB, Swedish version)
SWEDISH: QleanAir årsstämma den 12 maj 2022
- Protokoll från årsstämman 2022 QleanAir AB (PDF, 6,9 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär årsstämma 2022 (PDF, 37 KB, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till årsstämma 2022 (PDF, 75 KB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Bilaga A till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 209 KB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Bilaga B till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 213 KB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 225 KB, Swedish version)
- Valberedningens motiverande yttrande avseende förslag till styrelse i QleanAir AB (PUBL) (PDF, 115 KB, Swedish version)
SWEDISH: QleanAir årsstämma den 12 maj 2021
- Protokoll för årsstämma genom poströstning i QleanAir Holding AB (PUBL) 12 maj 2021 (PDF, 2.0 MB, Swedish version)
- Valberedningens motiverande yttrande avseende förslag till styrelse i QleanAIr Holding AB (PUBL) (PDF, 1.2 MB, Swedish version)
- QleanAir Årsredovisning 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Styrelsens förslag till vinstutdelning och yttrande över vinstutdelningsförslag (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Formulär för poströstning årsstämma 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär årsstämma 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Bilaga A till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Bilaga B till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till årsstämma 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
SWEDISH: QleanAir extra bolagsstämma den 26 juni 2020
- Incitamentsprogram QleanAir 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Pressmeddelande – Kommuniké från QleanAir extra bolagsstämma juni 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Protokoll extra bolagsstämma juni 2020 QleanAir Holding AB (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma I QleanAir Holding AB publ (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 6 – Styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 6 – Bilaga A till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 6 – Bilaga B till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Styrelsens redogörelse enligt 14 kap. 8 § ABL – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Revisorns yttrande ABL – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion – QleanAir extra bolagsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
SWEDISH: QleanAir årsstämma den 13 maj 2020
- Årsstämmoprotokoll 2020 QleanAir Holding AB (PDF, 2.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Kallelse till årsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- QleanAir Årsredovisning 2019 (PDF, 2.7 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 12 – Valberedningens föreslår ny ordförande och ny ledamot till styrelsen i QleanAir inför årsstämman 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 13 – Styrelsens förslag till riktlinjer för ersättning (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Bilaga A till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Punkt 14 – Bilaga B till styrelsens fullständiga förslag (incitamentsprogram) (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- QleanAir Holding AB – Särskilt förfarande med anledning av spridningen av Coronavirus (Covid-19) (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär och röstinstruktion – QleanAir årsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.2 MB, Swedish version)
- Fullmaktsformulär årsstämma 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
- Bolagsordning (PDF, 0.1 MB, Swedish version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir AGM on May 8, 2024
- QleanAir AGM 2024 - Minutes of Annual General Meeting
- Bulletin from AGM 2024
- Notice to attend AGM 2024
- Reasoned Statement Nomination Committee QleanAir AGM 2024
- Introduction to Sara Uhlén
- Power of attorney form - QleanAir AGM 2024
- Power Of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction - QleanAir AGM 2024
- Item 16 - Schedule A to complete proposal (incentive programme)
- Item 16 - Schedule B to complete proposal (incentive programme)
- Punkt 16 _ Item 16 - Fullständigt beslutsförslag (incitamentsprogram)_Complete proposal (incentive programme)
- The board of directors’ proposed resolution on dividend
- QleanAir Annual Report 2023
ENGLISH: QleanAir EGM on November 14, 2023
- Notice to attend extraordinary general meeting in QleanAir AB (PDF, 122 kb, English version)
- Power Of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction (PDF, 70 kb, English version)
- Power of attorney form – QleanAir AB EGM November 14 2023 (PDF, 45 kb, English version)
- Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting in QleanAir AB November 14 2023 (PDF, 849 kb)
ENGLISH: QleanAir AGM on May 10, 2023
- Minutes of QleanAir Holding AB Annual General Meeting (PDF, 3 mb, English version)
- QleanAir Annual Report 2022 (PDF, 20 mb, English version)
- Notice to attend AGM 2023 (PDF, 187 k, English version)
- Power of attorney form – QleanAir AB AGM 2023 (PDF, 49 k, English version)
- Power Of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction – QleanAir AGM 2023 (PDF, 82 k, English version)
- Item 13 – Complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 217 k, English version)
- Item 13 – Schedule A to complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 205 k, English version)
- Item 13 – Schedule B to complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 201 k, English version)
- The nomination committee’s reasoned statement ahead of the AGM (2023) (PDF, 119 k, English version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir EGM on March 9, 2023
- Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting in QleanAir AB (PDF, 1.3 MB, English version)
- Notice to attend extraordinary general meeting in QleanAir AB (PDF, 222 KB, English version)
- Power of attorney form – EGM 9 March 2023 (PDF, 84 KB, English version)
- Power Of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction – EGM 9 March 2023 (PDF, 112 KB, English version)
- Item 6 – Schedule A to complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 197 KB, English version)
- Item 6 – Complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 185 KB, English version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir AGM on May 12, 2022
- Minutes of Annual general meeting 2022 QleanAir AB (PDF, 6,9 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form AGM 2022 (PDF, 82 KB, English version)
- Notice to attend AGM 2022 (PDF, 75 KB, English version)
- Item 14 – Schedule A to the board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 205 KB, English version)
- Item 14 – Schedule B to the board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 188 KB, English version)
- Item 14 – The Board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 225 KB, English version)
- The nomination committee’s reasoned statement on its proposal for members of the board of directors of Qleanair AB (PUBL) (PDF, 119 KB, English version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir AGM on May 12, 2021
- Minutes of the annual general meeting held through postal voting in QleanAir Holding AB (publ) 12 May 2021 (PDF, 2.0 MB, English version)
- The nomination committee’s reasoned statement on its proposal for members of the board of directors of Qleanair Holding AB (PUBL) (PDF, 1.2 MB, English version)
- QleanAir Annual Report 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- The board of directors’ proposed resolution on dividend (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Postal Voting Form AGM 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)Power of Attorney Form AGM 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form AGM 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Item 13 – The Board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Item 13 – Schedule A to the boards complete proposal (incentive programme)
- Item 13 – Schedule B to the boards complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Notice to attend AGM 2021 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir EGM on June 26, 2020
- Incentive Programmes QleanAir 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Press Release – Bulletin from QleanAir EGM June 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Minutes of EGM June 2020 QleanAir Holding AB (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Notice to Attend EGM in QleanAir Holding AB publ (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Item 6 – Board_s complete proposal (incentive programme) – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Item 6 – Schedule A to the board_s complete proposal (incentive programme) – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Item 6 – Schedule B to the board_s complete proposal (incentive programme) – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- The board of directors’ report as referred to in Chapter 14 Section 8 of the Swedish Companies Act – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Statement by the auditor – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction – QleanAir EGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
ENGLISH: QleanAir AGM on May 13, 2020
- Minutes of Annual general meeting 2020 QleanAir Holding AB (PDF, 2.1 MB, English version)
- Notice of Annual General Meeting 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- QleanAir Annual Report 2019 (PDF, 2.7 MB, English version)
- Item 12 – The Nomination Committee of QleanAir proposes new Chairman and new Director to the Board for the 2020 AGM (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Item 13 – Board’s proposed guidelines for remuneration (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Item 14 – Board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Item 14 – Schedule A to the board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Item 14 – Schedule B to the board’s complete proposal (incentive programme) (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- QleanAir Holding AB – Special procedure due to the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19) (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form and Voting Instruction – QleanAir AGM 2020 (PDF, 0.2 MB, English version)
- Power of Attorney Form AGM 2020 (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
- Articles of Association (PDF, 0.1 MB, English version)
Board of Directors

Bengt Engström, chairman
Born: 1953 Position: Chairman since 2020
Other current positions:
Chairman of Nordic Flanges AB, BEngström/BEngström Förvaltning AB, IFG Duroc. Board member of Scanfil Oy, Real Holding AB, Scandinova Systems AB, Scandinavian Chemotech AB and KTH Executive School AB.
Previous assignments in the last five years:
Chairman/Board member of Prevas AB, Advania AB, Partnertech AB, Opticos AB, Crem International AB, Scandinavian Executive AB, Bure Equity AB.
Other relevant experience:
Bengt holds a Master of Science degree from KTH and has worked in senior positions in various companies since the 1980s. Started as Director Production & Supply Chain at Bofors AB. Then various managerial jobs at Whirlpool such as Global VP Microwave Ovens, Europe VP Manufacturing &Technology and then EVP Whirlpool Corporation and President Whirlpool Europe. After moving home to Sweden, he was CEO of Duni AB and Nordic CEO Fujitsu. In recent years, he has worked as an advisor, board member and investor in both large and small companies.
Independent in relation to QleanAir and its senior executives: Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders (as of today): Yes.
Holdings in QleanAir: 67,071 shares (privately held and via companies, as well as holdings of related natural persons).

Fredrik Persson, board member
Fredrik Persson, born 1984, Master of Science in Engineering from Uppsala University, has previous experience in business development from Klarna and The Springfield Project and is currently working as an Investment Manager at Swedia Capital. He is holding board positions in a number of companies in the STIGA Sports Group, a number of companies in the Swedia Capital Group, Arctic Falls Aktiebolag, ETNetwork AB, GreenGold Group AB, Lundqvist Intressenter AB including a subsidiary, Optise AB and Spotlight Group AB. He is independent in relation to the company and management but not in relation to the company’s major shareholders (Swedia Capital AB).
Holdings in QleanAir: 4,033,421 shares, partly through Swedia Capital and partly privately.

Jan-Olof Backman, board member
Jan-Olof Backman, born 1961, Master of Science in Engineering from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Master of Science from University of Washington. Jan-Olof has held several leading positions at McKinsey, Skanska and Coor Service Management. He is a board member and chairman in Credentia AB, Layer Group AB and Northclean Group AB and a board member Sveab Holding AB and Tagehus Holding AB. Within the five past years, Jan-Olof has, in addition to the ongoing assignments as listed above, been a board member and chairman in a number of companies in the 24Storage Group, Micro Systemation AB (publ) and Vasakronan AB (publ). He is independent in relation to the company and management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Holdings in QleanAir: 650,000 shares via companies.

Dan Pitulia, board member
Dan Pitulia, born 1956, Bachelor’s degree from Stockholm School of Economics. Dan has extensive experience of entrepreneurship in the life science industry. He has previous experience as managing director in QleanAir, Carmel Pharma and Entific and is currently working as managing director in Coala-Life AB and Coala-Life Group AB (publ). He is a board member in Pitulia&Co Ltd. Within the five past years, Dan has, in addition to the ongoing assignments as listed above, been board member and chairman in Neoventa Medical AB and a board member in companies in the QleanAir Group. He is independent in relation to the company and management and in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Holdings in QleanAir: 1,145,000 shares, through insurance and related parties.

Sara Uhlén, board member
Born: 1975
Other current positions:
Sara is today HR Business Partner at PE Teknik & Arkitektur AB. Chairman of Treskablinoll non-profit association. Board member of Ludvig & Company Group AB, Spotlight Group AB and Senseworks AB.
Previous assignments in the last five years:
Sara has previously held positions as partner, board member, business unit director, and authorized accounting consultant at Grant Thornton Sweden AB. She has also held a position as Talent Acquisition Specialist at PE Teknik & Arkitektur AB.
Other relevant experience:
Sara provides the board with experience from developing and supporting finance department and business control in fast growing companies such as Northvolt. This includes quality control and efficiency enhancement initiatives, primarily within internal control and financial reporting. She also provides experience from leadership, P&L-responsibility, talent acquisition and talent management. Sara has studied business economics at Luleå Tekniska Universitet and HR Manager Executive Training at FEI (Företagsekonomiska Institutet).
Independent in relation to QleanAir and its senior executives: Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders (as of today): Yes.
Holdings in QleanAir: 6,000 shares
Executive Management

Sebastian Lindström, CEO
Sebastian Lindstrom joined QleanAir Scandinavia as CEO in November 2022, has been a board member of the company since May 2022 and as CEO he will bring extensive commercial, operational and strategic experience to QleanAir. He has previously held several leading positions within various private equity-owned companies such as vice president of Granngården, interim COO of Bodilsen A/S and CEO of Atea Holding AB. He comes most recently from the role as the CEO of Crem International. Sebastian was born in 1965 and has a master’s degree in industrial economics from Linköping University.
For more detailed information on Sebastian, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.
210,000 shares, 445 776 warrants / subscription options

Henrik Resmark, CFO
Henrik Resmark was appointed as Chief Financial Officer for QleanAir Scandinavia in March 2013 and currently head the finance organisation. Henrik held other CFO and corporate finance positions before coming to QleanAir Scandinavia; most notably at Aros Securities / Nordea Securities, from 1998–2003 and NeuroNova (Newron), from 2003–2013.
Other current assignments:
Board member of Drupps AB.
For more detailed information on Henrik, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.
30 000 shares, 54 545 warrants / subscription options

Sebastian Lindström, CEO
Sebastian Lindstrom joined QleanAir Scandinavia as CEO in November 2022, has been a board member of the company since May 2022 and as CEO he will bring extensive commercial, operational and strategic experience to QleanAir. He has previously held several leading positions within various private equity-owned companies such as vice president of Granngården, interim COO of Bodilsen A/S and CEO of Atea Holding AB. He comes most recently from the role as the CEO of Crem International. Sebastian was born in 1965 and has a master’s degree in industrial economics from Linköping University.
For more detailed information on Sebastian, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.
210,000 shares, 445 776 warrants / subscription options

Henrik Resmark, CFO
Henrik Resmark was appointed as Chief Financial Officer for QleanAir Scandinavia in March 2013 and currently head the finance organisation. Henrik held other CFO and corporate finance positions before coming to QleanAir Scandinavia; most notably at Aros Securities / Nordea Securities, from 1998–2003 and NeuroNova (Newron), from 2003–2013.
Other current assignments:
Board member of Drupps AB.
For more detailed information on Henrik, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.
30 000 shares, 54 545 warrants / subscription options

Pär Bergdahl, COO
Pär Bergdahl joined the company in 2016 as VP Strategic Sourcing, advanced to VP Operations in 2017 and promoted to COO Oct 2020 in with the global responsibility of Operations, R&D, and IT. Pär’s experience in product management and mechanical engineering had landed him positions over the past decade with companies such as Munters, and Cramo. For more detailed information on Pär, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.

Glen Shimizu, Head of Sales & MD Japan
Glen Shimizu was appointed as the Country Manager of Japan effective August 2010. In this role, Glen has sales, accounting and operational responsibilities related specifically to the Japanese market. Previous to his role at QleanAir Scandinavia, Glen was an Executive Marketing Director at General Electric and Representative Director for Steelcase Japan. For more detailed information on Glen, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.

Zachary Douglas, President QleanAir Scandinavia Inc
Zachary comes from a role as Head of Product Management and Business Development at QleanAir Inc, which he will partly continue with also in his new capacity. Zachary joined QleanAir in September of 2019. He is an Industrial Engineer with automotive engineering experience at Honda R&D, Americas and business development experience with a group of five privately owned companies. After successfully moving QleanAir’s US supply chain out of Europe and into the US, Zachary became the Director of Product & Business Development. He is currently the leading expert on QleanAir’s materials, supply chain, and capabilities and the driver of various business development initiatives.
For more detailed information on Zachary Douglas, visit his LinkedIn page or contact him here.
Grant Thornton Sweden AB as auditor, with Olof Nordgaard as auditor-in-charge.
In respect of the period of time covered by historical financial information in this Prospectus, Per-Göran Mattis from Grant Thornton Sweden AB (Stockholm) has been the Company’s auditor. At the extraordinary general meeting held on 7 October 2019, it was resolved to elect Grant Thornton Sweden AB as auditor, with Anders Meyer as auditor- in-charge. The change of auditor was made due to the planned listing of the Company’s shares on First North Premier. The auditor was appointed for the period until the end of the annual general meeting to be held in 2020.
Articles of association
Adopted on the 2020 AGM on May 13, 2020. N.B. The English text is an unofficial translation and in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail.
för/for QleanAir Holding AB ( no. 556879-4548)
§ Firma / Name
Bolagets firma är QleanAir Holding AB. Bolaget är publikt (publ).
The name of the company is QleanAir Holding AB. The company is a public company (publ).
§ Säte / Registered office
Styrelsen har sitt säte i Solna kommun i Stockholms län.
The board of directors’ registered office is in Solna municipality in Stockholm county.
§ Verksamhetsföremål / Object of the company’s business
Bolagets har till föremål för sin verksamhet att direkt eller indirekt genom dotterföretag, bedriva utveckling, produktion och försäljning av energibesparande produkter, luftreningsanläggningar och tekniska system för främjande av miljö jämte därtill hörande service- och underhållsverksamhet, bedriva konsultverksamhet och utbildning inom nämnda verksamhetsområden samt bedriva information och affärsutveckling även som äga och förvalta fast och lös egendom samt annan därmed förenlig verksamhet.
The objects of the company’s business are to, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, conduct development, production and sales of energy saving products, clean air solutions and technical systems for environmental enhancement and thereto related service and maintenance, provide consultancy services and education within the aforementioned and conduct information and business development activities own and manage real property and movables as well as other activities compatible therewith.
§ Aktiekapital / Share capital
Bolagets aktiekapital ska uppgå till lägst 6 500 000 kronor och högst 26 000 000 kronor.
The company’s share capital shall be not less than SEK 6,500,000 and not more than SEK 26,000,000.
§ Aktier / Shares
Antalet aktier i bolaget ska uppgå till lägst 13 000 000 och högst 52 000 000.
The number of shares in the company shall be no less than 13,000,000 and no more than 52,000,000.
§ Styrelse / Board of directors
Styrelsen ska bestå av lägst tre (3) och högst sju (7) styrelseledamöter utan suppleanter.
The board of directors shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than seven(7) members without deputy members.
§ Revisor / Auditor
Bolaget ska ha lägst en (1) och högst två (2) revisorer med högst två (2) revisorssuppleanter. Till revisor samt, i förekommande fall, revisorssuppleant ska utses auktoriserad revisor eller registrerat revisionsbolag.
The company shall have not less than one (1) and not more than two (2) auditors with not more than two (2) deputy auditors. The auditor(s), or deputy auditor(s) (as applicable), shall be an authorized public accountant or a registered public accounting firm.
§ Kallelse till bolagsstämma / Notice of general meetings
Kallelse till bolagsstämma ska ske genom annonsering i Post- och Inrikes Tidningar samt genom att kallelsen hålls tillgänglig på bolagets webbplats. Vid tidpunkten för kallelse ska information om att kallelse skett annonseras i Dagens Industri.
Notices of general meetings shall be made by announcement in the Swedish Official Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and by making the notice available on the company’s website. At the same time as notice is given it shall be announced in Dagens Industri that a notice has been made.
Aktieägare som vill delta i förhandlingarna vid bolagsstämma ska göra anmälan till bolaget senast den dag som anges i kallelsen till stämman. Aktieägare får ha med sig biträden vid bolagsstämman endast om han eller hon anmäler antalet biträden till bolaget i enlighet med det förfarande som gäller för aktieägares anmälan till bolagsstämma.
Shareholders wishing to participate in general meetings must notify the company no later than the date specified in the notice of the general meeting. A shareholder may be accompanied by advisors at a general meeting only if he or she notifies the company of the number of advisors in accordance with the procedure prescribed for in respect of notice of attendance to be made by a shareholder.
§ Ärenden på årsstämman / Matters to be addressed at the annual general meeting
Vid årsstämman ska följande ärenden förekomma till behandling:
Val av ordförande vid stämman;
Upprättande och godkännande av röstlängd;
Godkännande av dagordningen;
Val av en (1) eller två (2) justeringspersoner;
Prövning av om bolagsstämman blivit behörigen sammankallad;
Framläggande av årsredovisningen och revisionsberättelsen samt, i förekommande fall, koncernredovisningen och koncernrevisionsberättelsen;
Beslut om fastställande av resultaträkningen och balansräkningen samt, i förekommande fall, koncernresultaträkningen och koncernbalansräkningen;
Beslut om dispositioner beträffande bolagets vinst eller förlust enligt den fastställda balansräkningen;
Beslut om ansvarsfrihet åt styrelseledamöterna och verkställande direktören;
Fastställande av antalet styrelseledamöter och antalet revisorer och eventuella revisorssuppleanter;
Fastställande av arvoden åt styrelsen och revisorer;
Val av styrelseledamöter, revisorer och eventuella revisorssuppleanter; samt
Annat ärende som ankommer på stämman enligt aktiebolagslagen eller bolagsordningen.
The following matters shall be addressed at the annual general meeting:
Election of chairman of the meeting;
Preparation and approval of the voting list;
Approval of the agenda;
Election of one (1) or two (2) persons who shall approve the minutes of the meeting;
Determination of whether the meeting has been duly convened;
Submission of the annual report and the auditors’ report and, where applicable, the consolidated financial statements and the auditors’ report on the group;
Resolution in respect of adoption of the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet and, where applicable, the consolidated profit and loss statement and the consolidated balance sheet;
Resolution in respect of allocation of the company’s profit or loss according to the adopted balance sheet;
Resolution in respect of the members of the board of directors’ and the managing director’s discharge from liability;
Determination of the number of members of the board of directors and the number of auditors and, where applicable, deputy auditors;
Determination of fees payable to the members of the board of directors and the auditors;
Election of the members of the board of directors, auditors and, where applicable, deputy auditors; and
Other matters which are set out in the Swedish Companies Act or the company’s articles of association.
§ Fullmaktsinsamling och poströstning / Collection of proxy forms and postal voting
Styrelsen får samla in fullmakter på bolagets bekostnad enligt det förfarande som anges i 7 kap. 4 § andra stycket aktiebolagslagen. Styrelsen får även, inför en bolagsstämma, besluta att aktieägarna ska kunna utöva sin rösträtt per post enligt det förfarande som anges i 7 kap. 4 a § andra stycket aktiebolagslagen.
The board of directors may collect proxies at the company’s expense pursuant to the procedure stated in Chapter 7, section 4, second paragraph of the Swedish Companies Act. The board of directors may also, prior to a general meeting, resolve that shareholders shall have the option to exercise their voting rights by means of postal voting pursuant to the procedure stated in Chapter 7, section 4 a, second paragraph of the Swedish Companies Act.
§ Räkenskapsår / Financial year
Bolagets räkenskapsår är 1 januari – 31 december.
The company’s financial year is 1 January – 31 December.
§ Avstämningsförbehåll / CSD clause
Bolagets aktier ska vara registrerade i ett avstämningsregister enligt lagen (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument.
The shares of the company shall be registered in a CSD register in accordance with the Central Securities Depositaries and Financial Instruments Accounts Act (Sw. lagen (1998:1479) om värdepapperscentraler och kontoföring av finansiella instrument).
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Subscription period for the general public in Sweden | 3-10 December 2019 |
Subscription period for institutional investors | 3-10 December 2019 |
First day of trading at Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market | 12 December 2019 |
Settlement date | 16 December 2019 |